Living Word Tabernacle



Our youth at at risk more than ever before. We need spiritual discernment, not just to know the difference between good or bad, but the difference in that which is good and that which just looks good.

It seems as if all powers of evil are trained on our children, not just families that do not profess any faith, but especially those that do - our children that have been raised in what we call the "Message" are at risk.  Education is against them, entertainments, sports, and we have an evil called social media, cell phones, Instagram, Facebook and the list of goes on.  We thought TV was evil, now we carry it and worse every where we go. 

And there is a gross mis-understanding of what is really the Holy Spirit, what it means to be a real Christian Believer, is it an emotional experience or merely an intellectual thought?  Something is lacking, of which it will take MORE today - more than youth camps and special activities to fix.

Is there an answer?  

Yes - the coming of the LORD.

The following is a twelve minute exhortation about youth, at the beginning of a sermon titled; Governed By Love. Preached at Living Word Tabernacle, Campbell Missouri - entire service archived at