It has been noted by various sources that some women are leaving the United States for other Countries since this presidential election in the USA. The reason seems to be primarily because of the strong conservative views that will probably guide many political decisions. However, as Christian's we understand that even many of the conservative politics are not at all in line with that which is right, the Bible being the true guide to how we should live.
I wonder, why would they want to leave a country where they have been born, and educated, a country that speaks their language and has the history that provided a place for them to archive their full potential if they so desire. Is it because they are opposed to the Christian values this nation was founded upon and then vilify those who do. Rather than live peaceable with those they disagree with, they would prefer to leave. Liberated women that do not want to be aligned with anything Godly, righteous or Biblical, they do not want anything or anyone making them feel less than what they want to be. For them, it is all about; what I want to be, "I am mine, my body is mine, and my life is mine to live as I want to live." They want to be free from anything that restrains them or that which is different from what they believe about themselves. Therefore, they strongly oppose true womanhood as in motherhood and the family as ordained by God in scripture from the very beginning.
Therefore, they want to go where they can live isolated from others that see things different than their own views. A place where they will not be a part of what they think is a confused culture that limits "ME." Is that freedom?
There is no freedom apart from an ultimate truth, something that gives proper restraint by law and by authority that can exercise the law politically speaking.
There is another woman that has done the same thing called the church. We all know too many that were a part of a local church, worshipped with people they knew and had a Pastor that knew them. Why did they leave, where have they gone and why have they gone? I wonder, could it be for the same reason as the above. They are still very religious in their own way, and will tell you they are happy where they are at spiritually, while vilifying those they no longer agree with.
Instead of being around those of like precious faith, where they were born spiritually and grow together naturally and spiritual they move away from such, even though they live in the same city and home. They no longer want a preacher that knows them, and they know him. They separate from the people that really know them as a church family knows one another as a natural family is associated together. They no longer want that model of a spiritual existence, even if it is the Bible model. It makes them uncomfortable when it doesn't agree with "ME and the rights I have and desire for myself to be free to do as I please." And still be called a Christian believer - which is APOSTASY, the falling away Paul spoke of (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
Today, many are at home streaming a preacher or perhaps several preachers of their choice, they feel comfortable and spiritual doing so. They do not have to worry about getting along with anyone or being challenged by a sermon from a preacher that knows them personally. Or perhaps they drive miles to a large church, where they can blend into the crowd, and proudly say; "this is my church and my pastor" and never really a part, because the people know very little about them. They can slip in and slip out and never hear a sermon that offends them or a church member they can't get along with. No one knows them, "so nothing upsets them."
It is the spirit of Laodicea, of people's rights, that has flooded the world and entered almost every church. Where will it end? The Bible tells us it will end in a complete apostasy, except for those that are elected of God and receive the truth, a truth that is a life of holiness and Godliness, which is rejected today by so many. There will be a Bride to meet the Bride Groom, one that has already met the true Word that has been opened in this final age of the Church. A people that will walk like the example of Enoch in the Old Testament, the seventh from Adam, until one day we are taken to land of real perfection.
Quoting William Branham, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches of each age.” In every age it was the same cry. Hear what the Spirit says. If you are a Christian, you will get back to what the Spirit is teaching, that is, the Word of this age. Every messenger to every age will preach that Word. Every fresh and true revival will be because men have gotten back to the Word for their age. The cry of every age is the rebuke, “You have left the Word of God. Repent, and come back to the Word.” From the first book in the Bible (Genesis) to the last book (Revelation) there is only one reason for God’s displeasure — leaving the Word; and there is only one remedy to regain His favor — back to the Word.
In the Ephesian Age, and in this age, and in every age we contemplate we will see that this is true. And in the last age which is our age, we will find the blackout of the Word, the complete apostasy ending in the great tribulation.
If you are true seed, if you are truly baptized with the Holy Ghost you will esteem His Word above your necessary meat… CAB-04 — 4 - The Smyrnaean Church Age
Pastor Bill Ivy - Living Word Tabernacle, Campbell MO USA