Living Word Tabernacle



Our special Youth services exceeded my expectation, GOD is so GOOD to us! The following is; My vision for our Annual Youth Services and Banquet at Living Word Tabernacle.

 There are youth program's everywhere today, take your choice.  And they are becoming more and more expensive.  And they fill up, quickly.  And many youth seem to try and make them all, even with parents' encouragement.


I believe that is counterproductive.  They should learn that they can receive what they need, without a special youth meeting or a crowd to follow.  Each can find their encouragement and strengthening at a home church with a pastor that loves them.  Special meetings are special, something extra, but not the main thing, as many have made it.

There was a time when there was nothing designated as Youth Camps or special youth meetings, brother Branham had none, the early church had none and the early message churches had none.  These things came in with denominational spirits.  Activities, soup suppers, fellowship halls, sports and the like.


Is it good or bad?  I believe it can be either, and yet, good things can become counterproductive as a minor, that become the major to our youth or any age group.

We at LWT cannot compete with the larger more expensive youth gathers, thank the LORD for them all.  However, we will not try to imitate or compete, that would be wrong.  But we can follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in what we do.

Ours is different, let us keep it that way.  Smaller crowds are easier to deal with than the larger ones.  I have found, the larger the crowd the more the youth are moved by the crowd, rather than being moved by Holy Spirit and the Word.


First, we want to cater to our own at LWT, and catering to them is inviting other youth to come, "keeping them in Christian company" creating fellowship.  We want to keep the cost as cheap as possible, even if we have to absorb some of it, because there are those that cannot go to the expensive ones, and many that are the only young person in their church and it gives them the opportunity to be together with old friends, and make new friends.

Over the years, I have heard many testimonies from young people who have attended our Annual Youth Services.  They were really blessed, perhaps in ways that did not seem like a blessing, according to present standards of what some consider a blessing to be. 

We have fun and games to disarm the youth, to get them more relaxed and then bring the Word.  Good solid, sane and sensible preaching and teaching that will move the heart more than the flesh.  And when it is over, may it be remembered as a spiritual time of renewal and fellowship.

Pastor Bill Ivy - Living Word Tabernacle, Campbell Missouri USA - Our services are archived -