Living Word Tabernacle




The cotton and corn in our area is almost gone - it is harvest time.  I watch it come and go every year and it is beautiful for me to see.  Vast white cotton fields filled with MATURE cotton.  There seems to be plenty enough for every farm, no one would need to harvest from another farmer's field.  There would be no reason to proselyte from one field to another when there is plenty for everyone in this harvest season.  The harvest is truly plentiful, but where are the laborers - where are those that get out in the field and pick the cotton?

Many would could say, "we don't do it that way anymore."  And I would say, "sadly that is true, also spiritually speaking."

Jesus Christ saw the same natural harvest and related it to the spiritual harvest.  Matt 9:37 The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

I believe we are living in the great harvest time that was predicted by our LORD at the end of the World. Matt 13:39 "...the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels."

As in that day, so in this day,  the harvest is great, we have a lot of church workers, a lot of preachers,  a lot of churches, but where are the true laborers?  I wonder, are we too busy seeing who we can find in someone else's field, when we have plenty of work to do in our own? 

Or could it be that many are wanting to be the LORD of the harvest and not a laborer, not interested in that one prodigal or the backslidden traveler that fell among the thief's.  The great religious workers had no time for them, but the rejected Samaritan found time to help, to work, to save and bring him to church and a pastor that could love him and care for him!  As the prophet Jeremiah said;  "...pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."  Not lazy workers that only feed themselves and their own ego's?

At the harvest, every seed comes to maturity for harvesting, some to be burned (go into the tribulation) others to shine as the SON!  According to Jesus' prophecy there is more to harvested than true laborers to work in the field.

I preached on this subject Sunday morning titled: "THE HARVEST AT THE END OF THE WORLD."

Pastor Bill Ivy - Living Word Tabernacle, Campbell Missouri -