Living Word Tabernacle



What is in a Crowd? #2

I grew up in the early Pentecostal movement. I remember very well, the tent revivalist that criss-crossed the nation. Great men of God, with a passion to do something for the LORD. I remember, how it seemed to me as a boy, the criteria of greatness and spiritual success was the one that had the largest tent and the biggest crowds.

There was an exception. William Branham the father of these great healing campaigns, was different. He could have had the largest crowds and the biggest tents. He preached many times to thousands, however, some of his greatest meetings was with the few. His mangers wanted bigger crowds, but he was satisfied to remain small and reach the elect. He never promoted bigness, as the object of greatness spiritually. Especially as he begin to declare his message.

William Branham declared to that "Pentecostal age," and I might add, an age and time which so many seem to want to return to; "They look for the big things, the one who can put up the biggest tent, the one who can build the biggest church. And we Pentecostal people have gotten to such a place. And if we go to a service and everybody's not running up-and-down the aisles, and speaking with tongues, and jumping over the seats, we didn't have any meeting. It would pay us to set still till we hear something from heaven: a STILL SMALL VOICE." - What Hearst Thou Elijah

Pastor Bill Ivy - Living Word Tabernacle, Campbell Missouri USA