Some of us enjoy being alone or at the most with a very small group of friends we feel at ease around. While there are others that will always be with "the crowd." And many that do, don't realize that is what they are doing, because it becomes so natural to them. It is true, that it seems as if most people feel more secure with the crowd, even if they are not physically in the crowd, but agreeing with and doing as the crowd does.
Tragically, something that can be used for good has made this possible; the invention of the internet and what is referred to as "social" media.
This has had its negative effect on our culture and social habits more than anything in my lifetime. Everyone wants to DO AS the social media CROWD does, what you see, hear and follow sets the pattern that is acceptable. It is in that way people feel accepted and part of the crowd, because no one wants to be different. However, remember, in Christ we are called to be different (Romans 12:2).
Sadly, this has affected the Church! Yes, we should have an influence on one another, but not merely imitators of the crowd. We imitate others because it satisfies our fleshly desire to be accepted. People want others to see them just as spiritual as the crowd on social media platforms, and that is carnal impersonations and simply following a person rather than the Holy Spirit. It has been said; "I wonder, If we just don't get one another's spirit instead of the Holy Spirit." - WMB
I see this everywhere today. It has become the normal way for so many to feel spiritual and accepted by the CROWD. This attitude has no national boundaries and easily crosses the world into other countries that so quickly follow the CROWD as the acceptable way they should worship, preach and conduct their spiritual affairs in regards to what we call the "Message." Therefore, so many today are part of, and following the CROWD to their own destruction, and do not realize it, because they are not physically connected to the crowd?
Yes, Christians are alike, by being like the ONE (Christ) that came among us and lived a separated life from the religions that persecuted Him for not being like them (John 6:66). Can we be the same? I have often taken what the poet Longfellow wrote as a pattern of my ministry; "Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife!"
Pastor Bill Ivy - Living Word Tabernacle, Campbell Missouri USA - Our services are archived -