When we see a brother make a mistake, what should our attitude be? Especially a fellow preacher. William Branham said the following;
"And what about a brother that has made a mistake? Though I say he's wrong. Sometimes he's accused wrong when he's not wrong. But if he is wrong, well, if we will take him to the throne of God, stand there shoulder-to-shoulder with our brother, knowing he's a mortal, and maybe his destination rests upon our attitude towards him, when we come back from the throne of God, we'll realize that we're every one guilty, and we all need help one from the other. And the best way to do is pray." - WMB
I have seen the opposite of this too many times with brothers that begin to go wrong. There are those who want to disenfranchise them spiritually. Rather than pick them up, they try to push them further down, by destroying them before the world. And this, without understanding or true discernment of a person's problem.
Revealing the faults and short coming of someone else is many times done for the wrong reasons, to look big and important in the eyes of those you want to impress. It can be an effort to be accepted by a certain group.
Charity in the life of a real believe toward a fallen believer; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things (1 Corinthians 13:7).
We will BEAR with and endure all things for those we dearly LOVE. Not to condone their unbelief, but to bear with them, and believe in them, by judging properly their condition and why. And then if it is still hard to believe in them, we HOPE for their amendment with patience, because of the CHARITY we possess.
I wonder, what I could do and the changes I would make with real Christian charity working in a greater portion of my life and ministry? Oh, how this would destroy the evil that sometimes overtakes precious souls that belong to God?
Sunday Morning I continued with the subject; "Spiritual Gifts in the Home" archived at our church website.
Pastor Bill Ivy - Living Word Tabernacle, Campbell Missouri USA - Our services are archived - www.livingwordtabernacle.com
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