Living Word Tabernacle



Growing up in a denominational church, I never heard of CHURCH ORDER.  In fact, we were taught in Pentecostal circles the opposite; order in the church would quench the Spirit.  Therefore, the most disorderedly things took place and were identified as Spiritual - in worship, singing, preaching and just general attitudes in regards to Spiritual gatherings. We have a Scriptural responsibility to assemble together - go to church and worship with SAINTS of like precious faith. Heb 10:24-25 "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together..."  The order in which we worship is important, it can be accepted or rejected by a Holy God.

It was not until I come to the knowledge that God sent a Messenger (Prophet) with a final Message to the last age of the church. A message to RESTORE us back to the "faith which was once delivered unto the SAINTS" (Jude 3, Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11, Revelation 10:7). It was then, I received understanding that a very important part of that "Faith" was proper ORDER in the church.

There is an order of conduct and part of that order is, our GIVING and RECEIVING of tithes and offerings, which is also a part of worship. 

This was the subject preached (January 7, 2024) titled "CHURCH ORDER (Giving)."

This sermon can be viewed below.  It is also available on our archive page along with all services