Living Word Tabernacle



(Notice: This is translated from English to French over the Internet, there is always a possibility of errors in the translation.)

(Notice: This is translated from English to French over the Internet, there is always a possibility of errors in the translation.)


There is so much hatred in the world today. We can see it in politics, in religion, and everything in between. There does not seem to be a middle ground. You are either for something or against it; either people love you or they hate you.

Why is this so?

Jesus speaking of the end times made it clear in Matthew 24:12 that this would happen; “And because iniquity will be multiplied, the charity of many will grow cold. Iniquity is lawlessness, and it is certainly abundant today, and not just in deeds. I believe that anarchy also exists in the hearts of those who reject the love of truth.

What is the truth? God is truth and God is love, we all know His love is unchanging because He is sinless.

All too easily, our love is affected by the world and everything around us. As Christians, let us cultivate wisely the love that God represents in this world of hate. This can only be done if Jesus Christ actively dwells in us through the New Birth, and then His love will be present. Our role is to pray more and read the Word to cultivate this love, and I promise you that you will automatically love more.