Living Word Tabernacle



It seems as if so many are wanting to follow the modern trend, a new Gospel by saying "you are too old fashion Brother Ivy."  That is the way the modern church goes, the old is two old and must be updated, many think.  However, as for myself and the church the Holy Ghost has allowed me to shepherd just "give us that old time religion" there is no other.


The Bible we read, begins in Genesis and was pinned by the Moses 4500 years ago.  The New Testament was given to us by inspired writers 2000 years ago.  Is it still the Gospel?  Is there something better and more up-to-date? 


As one that believes God has fulfilled Malachi 4:5-6, with a prophetic ministry that by it manifested to this final age of the church the opening of the entire Word of God (the Bible). A prophetic ministry that revealed the mysteries that great men have stumbled at since the early days.  A restoration Prophet, as promised in Luke 17:30 and Revelation 10:7.


Rev 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.


Is not this scripture history, in other words, prophecy already fulfilled?  The Book has been opened, and as a preacher and a pastor, that is what I preach.  I draw inspiration from the message William Branham brought over sixty years ago.  Believing with all my heart, his message, "the old time Gospel", preached so many years ago, opened the entire Old and New Testament to us as Jesus Christ the Word.  It has never lost its power to move this old man's heart. A message that didn't come by a denominational counsel of men.


Is there any other religion, any other Gospel, that the "OLD TIME RELIGION?"



Well, it's got to a place, friends, where you... It's getting horrible out here. "Old-time religion," they say, "it's something that's passed long ago, can't have it; it's too much. We're living in a modern day; we've got to get modern ideas. We got to have shuffle boards in the church, ping-pong games, and everything to hold our young people."

Brother or Sister, if it ever gets to a time that I have to have a card party in the church to hold an audience, I'll quit preaching the Gospel, 'cause It's lost Its power. I tell you, brother, what we need today is the old fashion, simple Gospel, Holy Ghost power preached in Its simplicity, then "If I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto Me." Yes, sir. - William Branham


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