Living Word Tabernacle



Disproportionate – a big word that means an unfair comparison.  We all have the tendency to compare, ourselves, our lives, our experience, even things spiritual, with someone else.  It is a day of impersonation or matching.

Quoting William Branham in  his sermon titled, BELIEVEST THOU THIS, “You paint your steps red, and see if the neighbor don’t paint his steps red. That’s right. Buy a Mercury and see if the neighbor don’t want a Mercury. They want to match. I don’t care whether my pants match my coat, or my shirt matches my suit; I want my experience to match God’s Bible. That’s the kind of a match that Christians ought to have. Not whether Jones has got a big church and I got a little one. I want Christ.”. 


The Christian church is “called out,” to be different than the world.  2 Cor 6:17 “…come out from among them, and be ye separate , saith the Lord…”


What should we compare with?  Paul said, “Be ye imitators of me.”  There is the example, everything we do as Christians must be taken back to the Word of God.  If not, we are disproportionate in our comparisons, we make someone or something else our pattern.  But if the Word (the Bible) becomes the pattern in all we hear and do as Christians we will never fail!  Everything, every idea, every sermon, every move of God, no matter how successful, must compare with the Bible or it is an unfair comparison!

Pastor Bill Ivy - Living Word Tabernacle  Campbell Missouri