We are made to be well and not have sickness in our bodies. Adam was a spirit being first, like God. Later he was given a body of the earth. His body never got sick. Then the fall of humanity changed that, now Adam could get sick, so could Eve – in every way. They both eventually died and went to heaven. It was probably from sickness of some kind.
They had perfect bodies in the garden. They left the garden with the same bodies that were perfect and now those same bodies got sick.
Sin in the same bodies they had in the garden of Eden changed things, now they could get sick and die. However, the sickness had to enter the body, and it entered by SPIRITS.
Heb 12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect…
If there are SPIRITS of just men made perfect, there are evil spirits, that are in evil men not so perfect. Demons – tormentors.
Where does sickness come from? Spirits, they come to your body and your human spirit. Not the soul where God’s Spirit dwells if you are a Christian, which is what makes you what you really are before God.
Yes, a Christian can get sick, just like anyone else. But we are promised a resurrection and the earnest of that is the healing of our bodies. A Christian can have mental issues, insanity, cancer, cataracts, colds, flu, covet, menopause, etc. These things all come by spirits. They enter as spirits. Or they are effectual in us by what spirits do around us.
How do we as Christian’s cast out devils? Scripturally. Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils;…
That speaks of you who believes… not a special preacher, a certain church or special camp meeting. Yes, the atmosphere will bring results but many times it does not last. People need to be taught, simple truth that can set them free. Love, brotherly kindness, the preaching of the Word, the prayer of faith and the very life you live and cast out satan.
"The Word of God will defeat Satan anywhere, anytime, anyplace, on any condition. The Word of God alone, 'It is written,' will defeat Satan, no matter who he is, what form he comes in, where he's at, it'll defeat Satan. Now that is truth: the written Word of God." - WMB
The Prophet who came to this generation let the Pentecostal people know over and over they had to be taught, but they refused. They were looking for noise, emotion, and sensation. They would not set still long enough to hear and receive from God what they needed. Evil spirits are not intimidated by how much noise we can make or the loudness of the music.
Brother Branham had to contend with the Pentecostal emotionalism all of his ministry. Ignorantly, they turned healing the sick and casting out devils into an event, entertainment, and confusion. I personally witness this as a young man raised in the Pentecostal church. However, this was not what the Prophet taught when the Holy Spirit would come among the people.
“Watch the Holy Spirit when It comes in tonight, how quiet It gets everything. But we're after sensations, running after little things, failing to hear that voice.” – William Branham, WHAT.HEAREST.THOU.ELIJAH_ LA.CA 59-0412E
I know there is a hundred quotes you could give be about this being the quietest place you will ever be… But it has also been said… there is a life, behind the name, that makes the demons tremble.
The following quotes, Brother William Branham is encouraging the people not to get excited, to be quiet and to be still while he prayed for people to receive their deliverance.
“Now, I want you to have faith. I want each one of you just raise with your hearts moving. Keep quiet. Be reverent. Be seated, and just keep reverent and quiet as you can. And I want you to look at me, lady. As I say that, "Look on me," it's just like...” - FAITH_ CHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 53-1213E
“All right, is this the patient? Now, be real reverent as we try our best now, to just submit myself to the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. And don't move around. If you'll just hold your place, just for a few minutes... Mr. Arganbright and them will be watching. I... It's in a--a different world; it's in another dimension, and it's going out to see visions. And anyone knows what affect that has. And just be real reverent. Keep quiet. Just look and live. Believe with all your heart and see what the Holy Spirit will say.” - HEAR.YE.HIM_ OAKLAND.CA FRIDAY_ 57-0322
“Now be real reverent, everybody now, just be real reverent, keep quiet. See, the Holy Spirit is so timid. How many knows that? Just real timid, Holy Spirit (See?), just any little interruption bothers Him.” POSSESSING.THE.ENEMY'S.GATES_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 59-1108
“Now, be real reverent. Keep your seats; be quiet. I don't mean to say you can't praise God, but just keep quiet and listen. Now--now in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I take every spirit in here under my control for the glory of God. Now, be careful after that.” - JESUS.CHRIST.THE.SAME.YESTERDAY.TODAY.AND.FOREVER_ TUCSON.AZ _ 61-0205E
“Started to speak again, I said, "Now, everyone, do not be excited. Keep quiet. Sometime when you see a demon try to come out of a person, they get so irreverent, the crowd gets tore up. That's the wrong thing to do. Set still. Don't get excited. He is here. And while I was speaking like that, I don't know how it ever happened, but turned over to her and called her name. 'Mary, looky here.' And when she did, she come to herself, come to.” - AWAKENING.JESUS_ TEMPE.AZ 63-0117
Pastor Bill Ivy - Living Word Tabernacle, Campbell Missouri USA - Our services are archived at www.livingwordtabernacle.com
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