Living Word Tabernacle



While praying this morning, I was wondering, WHY? Why do so many fail to see the DIFFERENCE as if there is none? Why does that which is wrong “spiritually speaking” seem so right, and bigger, and better? It was then that the parable of the tares among the wheat came to mind (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43).


The good seed sowed was what the Word produced, CHILDREN OF GOD. However, in the same field an enemy sowed tares AMONG the wheat. Where? In the same field, among the true seeds, where the truth was, not in the world of sinners, but where they would appear to be righteous for deception. Perhaps not knowing they were the seed that was sowed by the enemy of the righteous, thinking of themselves as righteous seeds. Because - they would outshine naturally the wheat, taller, and greater than the humble wheat. They were very religious unbelievers called by God “children of the devil” (Matthew 13:38). Their end would be the lake of fire, with all that will be bound together with them. They could not produce Children of God, original seed.


How long will they grow among the wheat? Until the harvest, and then the reapers (angels) will separate them from the wheat. How? By biding them in denominational bundles. The old American saying, “birds of a feather flock together.” And this will separate them from the TRUE seed that will only be united with the WORD, not the denominational thoughts of men. The wheat will then be brought to the master’s “barn,” to be taken to the great marriage of the Lamb.

I was wondering, WHY? Because the scriptures have warned us it has to be this way, in this very day in which we call ourselves the Bride of Jesus Christ. The tares - those born of Satan will come to harvest and so will the Bride that has been born of the Word.

There is a difference, and it should be obvious to the humble wheat of God.

QUOTE: Christ, the Great Harvester, is now reaping the fruit of the earth. He gathers the wheat into the garner by coming for His own and receiving them forever unto Himself. Then He returns to destroy the wicked with fire unquenchable.
The mystery of the tares and wheat of Matthew 13:24-30, is now also fulfilled.
CAB-09 — 9 - The Laodicean Church Age
Rev. William Marrion Branham